Math Professional Learning

- Support teachers in pedagogical learning and implementation of Mathematics Common Core Standards as we implement the three shifts in Mathematics: Focus, Coherence, and Rigor.
- Implement effective strategies that are founded in the 8 Mathematical Practices; with a focus on questioning and discourse.
- Provide students equitable access to rigorous Mathematics course materials through the alignment of resources, coherence of Mathematics Strategies, and implementation of common formative assessments to adjust and inform instruction.
Instructional Materials
Current Math CurriculumÂ
- Teacher committees selected i-Ready Mathematics as K-5 Core Curriculum, McGraw Hill Illustrative Mathematics as 6-8 Core Curriculum, and Big Ideas as Curriculum for Mathematics I, II, III.
- All pacing guides are available on Google Classroom for teacher use.
Transitional Kinder
Singapore Math Books A and B, Activity Book A and B
K-5: i-Ready Mathematics
i-Ready Mathematics has been selected as the Core Curriculum for grades K-5. The discourse-driven Try-Discuss-Connect routine actively engages students in their learning by supporting them as they collaborate, discuss and clarify strategies and concepts.
McGraw Hill Illustrative Mathematics
McGraw Hill Illustrative Mathematics has been selected as the Core Curriculum for Grades 6-8. It is a problem-based curriculum designed to address content and practice standards to foster learning for all students.
Big Ideas Mathematics
Big Ideas Mathematics has been selected as the Core Curriculum for Math I, II, and III. It is a “narrower and deeper program,” combining discovery and direct instruction approaches, that addresses the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.

The following links will help you find directions, videos, lessons, Common Core items, and curriculum resources.
Resource for Questioning in Mathematics