Focus on Writing
“To write well and influence others, one must first think well.”
-Jane Buckner
In Pomona Unified, our District-wide instructional writing program is Write From the Beginning…and Beyond. This comprehensive program which includes Setting the Stage and Language for Learning resource guides leverages the power of Thinking Maps and focuses on early and continuous training in the criteria necessary for successful writing achievement beyond the early school years. Using Write From the Beginning…and Beyond systemwide allows all teachers and school leaders to maintain a common targeted focus, share accountability, and provide developmental instruction that is rigorous and comprehensive to meet the unique needs of our diverse learners. At all grades, writing instruction should be safe, supportive, focused, consistent, enjoyable, and meaningful.
Since 2009, PUSD has trained teachers on components of Write from the Beginning…and Beyond. Opportunities for professional growth around writing continue to be offered during district-wide professional development days as well as site trainings if it is a focus area for the school site.
Rigorous Goals & Expectations for Each Grade Level/Content Area